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The 5 Minute Conversation

The 5 minute conversation is designed to fit into a consultation addressing a range of aspects of patient management. These simple steps can help build readiness to change and help start a plan based on the individual’s preferences.

Find below some words that we find helpful to achieve a brief, person-centred 5 minute active conversation. This template is to help guide you – there are no rights or wrongs. Try using these words in your own consultations and see how they work for you.

ENGAGEOpen the conversation“Would you be happy to spend 4-5 minutes talking about something that can make a big difference to your future health and wellbeing?”
Assess impact of the conditionHow has your condition affected your physical activity levels and the things you enjoy?
EXPLOREFind out what they already know“What do you know about the benefits of physical activity in people with your condition?”
Share benefitsCan I share some other things people find beneficial to see what you make of them
Encourage reflection“What do you make of what I have just said?”
Make it personal“What would be the top 2-3 reasons for you personally becoming more active, if you decided to?”
DECIDESummarise without adding anything new“Can I summarise what I think you have said?”
Ask the key question‘So, what do you think you will do?’
Agree a plan“Can I share with you some things people find helpful when making a plan?”
Arrange follow up“How would you feel about coming back another time to build on the thoughts and ideas you’ve shared with me today?”
Signpost support organisations“There are some great, free resources available here and on other websites by people who understand what it’s like living with your condition if you’d be interested to have a look”